About Me

Hi, I’m Amanda! I was born and raised in California, and grew up planning trips. My late father worked for Skywest Airlines, which is affiliated with United Airlines. This meant flight perks on United! Back in the late 90s, I’d talk my grandparents into flying to across the world for a day during our school breaks. One time we flew to Sydney for lunch, to find everything closed on Easter Monday. I was only 16 years old, and didn’t think about when I would be landing. 20 years later, I have several lessons learned and a ton of success stories.

I absolutely love to travel and post my reviews of the places we visit and things we try. Escape Moore came to be because of that passion. I figured, why not start my own thing and see where it goes?! I specialize in solo and couple travel, because we are DINKs (Dual Income, No Kids) and love it. Andrew and I love spoiling our boys (Tac & Dog), exploring the world, and enjoying a good bottle of wine. 

Visit my Destination Guides and see the Itinerary Services that I offer!

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